This thesis focuses on designing the turbine, tower structure and generator for an
H-rotor type wind turbine. The produced power will be used for heating of drilling
equipment, stored in containers, on the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. A 23
kW wind turbine producing 5 kW on average has been designed. Moreover, the
design has been tested to be mounted on top of the container storing the drilling
equipment. Climatological data have been processed to describe the wind regime in
useful terms. A three bladed H-rotor has been dimensioned for the mean power
demand using a Conformal Mapping and Double Multiple Streamtube model. The
tower structure has been tested considering strength and eigenfrequencies with
simulations based on Finite Element Method and analytical calculations. An outer
rotor generator has been designed using a simulation code based on Finite Element
Method. The site specific constraints due to the extreme climate in Antarctica are
considered throughout the design process. Installing this wind turbine would be a first
step towards higher penetration of renewable energy sources on the Amundsen-Scott
South Pole Station.
ISSN: 1650-8300, UPTEC ES07 030 Examinator: Ulla Tengblad �mnesgranskare: Hans Bernhoff Handledare: Paul Deglaire Sammanfattning Detta projekt syftar till att �ka andelen f�rnyelsebar el-generering vid den amerikanska polarforskningsstationen Amundsen-Scott p� sydpolen.
En designstrategi har utarbetats f�r att p� ett s� effektivt s�tt som m�jligt optimera turbinen med h�nsyn till soliditet, bladprofil, inf�stningsvinkel samt inf�stningspunkt (mellan rotorns blad och b�rarmar).
En s�dan design medf�r att vindkraftverket enbart har en r�rlig del.
D� turbinen designad f�r att m�ta kravet p� en medeleffekt p� 5 kW visade sig vara relativt stor har tv� alternativa koncept arbetats fram.
Mats Wahl
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